
The earth is preparing itself for the final phase of its ascension cycle (awakening) .... with or without humanity .... it is preparing for the galactic alignment to bridge/blend the time-lines with its greater-self you know as "TERRA" in universe2 and its greater-self you know as "GAIA" in Universe3 ..... this last phase will begin in your July 7th 2007 as soon as the new codes/program have been uploaded/inserted into its morphogenetic biocircuitry ... and will culminate in 2017 preparing the ground work for a re-newed earth ....

consider the coming earth shifts ... both physical and non-physical .... as a healing .... a meta-morph-isis ... before any healing occurs ... likened unto your biological spacesuits ... there is always a crisis / cry-isis ... a healing crisis which occurs .... this can manifest in a multitude of ways ... one being a "fever" ... a warming .... a shiver ... a breaking out in a rash ... belching ... a violent expulsion of toxic matter and toxic thought/energy (virus / bacteria) .... your earth .. a physical biological embodiment of a greater living being ... is no different .. and one and the same as "you" ....

likened unto a near-death experience .... a debilitating illness ... where one magically recovers from .... there is a shift in ones perspective ... the outer is viewed with more of an inner ... peace ... love and respect for life .... a greater purpose .... a born-again CHRYST ...

the spheres of transformation that have been labelled as harmonic shift 777 is the final phase / completion of many 20 year-cycles that have been of significance eminating in your last 100 years .... this is not by accident but by design ...

1907 (industrial revolution)
1927 (before great depression
1947 (after WW2 ... etc)
1967 (beginning of cold war / music revolution / hippie era)
1987 (harmonic convergence / end of cold war / computer communications)
2007 (harmonic shift / beginning of awakening / earth changes)

nature will lead the way ... after much restraint and holding back so as to allow humanity to cacth up ... the earth is now and very soon will be full-speed ahead as it knows what it is doing and it is doing it on time and schedule ... your animal, wildlife, insect, plant kingdomes know of the earth changes to come and they have been adapting and migrating and will do so at a higher frequency ..... you will know when all of your species which have wings will start to behave differently .... this has already begun with the bees and butterflies and soon will encompass all winged species such as hummingbirds ... eagles .... owls .... winged insects .... migration patterns will change for all most your animal kingdome .... some will disappear ... others will change migration course ... or behave erratically in ways they have not behaved before ... this summer in your northern hemisphere in line with 777 will show evidence of this ... even your dolphins and whales will behave in ways never before ..,

for those who do not realise the impact of your disappearing bees .... or think it to be insignificant .... will be in for a rude shock when over half of your food chain collapses ... if you do not realise yet ... your bees pollenate the majority of your agriculture ... no bees = no food ....

where have they gone .... where are they going .... let's say they are vibrating out of this frequency .... in preparation for the NEW FREQUENCY / VIBRATION .... when the codes and vibration are in place and mother earth has begun the last phase of her healing cycle ... they will return .... though behaviour may be that of a new pattern or new migration .... it is not to be feared although many scientists will note the anomalies ... it is simply that there is now a new tune ... a new song ... a new harmony ... a new code and frequency in place .... where did the MAYA go? .... they vibrated out of this reality after preparing the way ... new code for you ...

your nature is and has always been in tune with your mother earth and have always adapted and metamorphed to keep in harmony with the new shifts in frequency .... the only animal who has bucked the system and refused to shift and become stagnant is the human animal/ego ...

volcanoes geologists thought were dead will come alive in a big way .... tectonic plates will begin to shift apart and into each other ... causing new land masses to rise ... as well as others to shake and fall .... there is possibilities due to increasing tensions one volcano will at the least erupt in a big way causing distruptions in the atomsphere blocking out the sun ...

due to the increasing universal frequencies ... the earth is warming up .... this is releasing new fresh water into your oceans and with the increasing temperatures there will be increased rainfall ... currently many are suffering from droughts and lack of water ... however as part of the healing crisis ... there will be long periods of nothing but rain and monsoon like weather for a very long period ...

the biggest shift and possibly a dangerous one at that is with the melting of the polar caps in particular the artic cap which will melt first causing a rotational shift in earth's axis like a spinning top shifting its weight in an attempt to keep balanced .... what this means is that the earth will shift on its axis approx 4 deg south and 1 degree west ... (400 miles south and 100 miles west) ... this fraction of a shift will cause tectonic plates to shift dramatically and cause possible tidal waves and extremely high winds ...

[canada will move south a fraction where north america is now ... and north america will move a fraction to where mexico is now ... countries like australia and new zealand on the otherside will move up nearer the equator ... i saw a vision of new zealand becoming three islands .... and land bridge emerging between mainland australia and tasmania ...

mostof this will occur at a moments notice between 2008 and 2012 ... most likely during SOLARMAX 2010 which will be the most volatile in earth's history ... which will be reflected as above so below ... the unseen are working on MISSION-BLUE-SHIELD to to dampen and shock absorb the physical shifts ...

giving time-frames it is a little touch and go as the eternal now is always shifting as you create your outcomes and realities and only you can shift your focus and frequency .... the above need not happen if enough humanity shifts from a focus of greed ... hate .. anger .. despise ... to that ... of love ...peace ... forgiveness ... allowance and sharing .... all of it can be transmuted in the blink of an eye should it be chosen ... when time-frames are given humans have a tendency to procrastinate until the last moment or pre-empt and panick making matters worse for themselves ...

all round the weather will be warmer with the exception of north europe / uk ... which will freeze over like hell ... due to the cold waters melting at the polar caps and being distributed across your north europe ... due to the flow of the ocean water systems in that region ... where there was deserts there will begin new green growth and vegitation ...

the 2010 - sunspot / flares solarmax will wreak havoc with all electrical and communication systems ... this will cause the earth energy-grid to fluctuate however the new code inserted this 777 will act to stablise and fortify the earth's energy-grid to large degree ... but your human made communication systems will for a while cease ...

many bally-hoo to a rally-hoo regarding your global warming and ozone layers disappearing .... this is all nonsense!!! ... your earth did not come with polar ice caps ... your earth did not come with an ozone layer .... these are all a by product of asteroid impact 100,000 years ago ... the earth is simply now repairing and healing itself ... its broken spine that was fractured is now on the mend and healing .,... what you are experiencing is a HEALING!!!! the child we call 'awakened humanity" which is at full-term with-in Earth's womb is about to be born ... the ozone layer like the shell of an egg has cracked open allowing the new child humanity to be BATHED IN ITS FULL AND COMPLETE UNFILTERED LIGHT ... before leaving the nest-egg for a new earth ...

thus your polar caps melting is to be regarded as a positive healing a sign of fresh waters to come ... new lands to come ... and when finally ANTARTICA (ATLANTICA) melts away you will discover your lost atlantis ... prior your asteroid impact ... the polar caps used to be where your equators are now ... the antarctic ice cap used to be where your ATLANTIC ocean is now ... (24 degree displacement) ...

there is much bally-hoo about WARS to come ... your earth changes will take precedence over this ... your warlords are tiring ... and most of all humanity with its web of light you call your communication systems is awakening .... there are no secrets for much longer ... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

yes your eli-jovi war lords will make a last stand but will fail ... war with your china will not happen as many are touting this to be the final ... please understand .... the Asian (Ashan / Tan) peoples are the ancestors of the zeti-reticula ... who are not aliens/ET but actually represent HUMANITY in your far distant FUTURE ...

in one timeline in a previous cycle before reseeding in this stream humanity went down the pathway of self-destruction .... and genetic modification out of balance ... destroyed and left your planet Mars to venture into the solar system ... the self-destruction and genetic tampering to control a species resulted in what many UFO circles label as the Zeti-Reticula ... as the Eli-Jehovi war-lords had an iron grip on your new Eden .. Earth ....the Zeti-Reticula were re-inserted/seeded as the Asian/Yellow race ... to ensure humanities original DNA remained as to ensure a balance of power should the Eli-Jehovi become the dominant force enslaving humanity again ...

we are having difficulty with vocabulary .... simpy put ... the human spirit and its biological counterpart was not meant to be enslaved to your egos ... beaten .. limited ... it was designed to be the interface to the all that is ... the complete human spirit ... unimpeded ...

we will re-word using technical vocabulary ... there is what you call a fail-safe switch ... a self-destruct sequence/code ... a fuse-box ... everything outside is a reflection of inside ... you/we designed these into position .... everything occurring is as it should be and is in line with the design .. no-thing is by accident and every part of the puzzle serves its designed purpose .... just as the the parts and organs of your body all are different and function differently they are all designed to work in harmony ... neither is greater or more important than the other ... any one organ or cell failing to work in union and harmony will create an imbalance ... a disease ... illness and eventually DEATH .... in a manner of speaking this is the designed outcome ... this is the fail-safe design ...

the same goes for humanity and earth as a whole .... if the organs and cells within do not work in union and loving harmony with respect and equality for each other (including your nature kingdomes) ... then the design and outcome will always be to self-destruct ... if the purpose and divine design is not achieved .... the lessons learnt from this collapsed dis-order are taken and re-inserted into another and the cycle goes around until the original intent of the design is achieved .... i.e. until the spirit and matter become one equivocally ....

self-destruct sequences are not to be judged or cursed as they are what you designed .. otherwise you the human spirit would remain in forever enslavement never achieving what your originally created to experience ...

what we are saying is that should war ensue as some are suggesting will occur then it is by design and part of your self-destruct sequence as are the earth shifts.... an enslaved human spirit to your ego's is not what you are here for ... all the actors/egos are playing their parts ... end of story ...

again we re-iterate ... those who are in harmony with all of earth and its people... living in peace ... with love and respect for individual divinity .... will prosper in these times .... and those whom are not in such alignment ... will fail ... falter ... collapse ... much likened unto disharmony within the human body .... if you would treat your earth and others as you would treat your bodies/selves then you will realise why you are where you are ...

it would seem all that matters is beer and peanuts whilst your humanity can only focus on a football and nothing else is of concern .... where players are each paid 100's of millions of dollars ... each more so than your starving and sick 3rd world countries .,... and all for what .... to watch grown children toss .. smash .. hit or kick a little round BALL to and from each other .... yes a little ball ... a little ball .... there is to be no judging here the sports itself for sports is for fun and enjoyment and growth and learning ... but highlighting when it is the only focus outweighing all other ... then imbalances are no doubt to occur ... we wonder what would happen when SOLARMAX knocks out your satellite and cable TV ... no football channel ... where will the focus be then ...


for those reading these words .... the time is now ... you know why and what you are here for ... to hold and shine the human spirit for the others to see in their hour of darkness ... there are no accidents ... go out and let your human spirits reach out and touch ... everyone has a purpose and serves a function ... very soon you will know what you must do ... after harmonic shift 777 those in alignment will find themselves in accelerated healing and progression of peace and harmony ... aligning with those of similiar resonance locally or globally ... what seemed difficult before will become much easier and flowing to you ... this is the harmonic law ... most if not all we say will come to be in this your lifetime and sooner ... it has already started ... as you accelerate towards zero-point .. divide-by-zero ...

beneath your dreamlit eyes ... sleep has driven you away far from within ... as you lay fast asleep in our arms ... we wonder where you are .... you still shine as bright as the stars did a million years ago ... deep sleep and vivid dreams are all you crave .... as you travel light years across the milky way .... behind you ... earth is beautiful blue ... and there is nothing you can do .... to your heart you become a slave .... until another time ... another place .... where SILENCE and PEACE shall speak as loud as war once did .... and MOTHER EARTH RETURNS to what SHE was before ....


cabin crew be seated and fasten seatbelts for take-off ...

all luggage to be stored safely under your seats or overhead lockers ...

all cell phones and electronic equipment to be switched off as can interfere with navigation equipment ...


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